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Gamiss: 3.5m Mini Android Endoscope Kamera für 3,23 Euro inkl. Versand statt 7,44 Euro dank Gutschein-Code

Veröffentlicht am 5. Februar 2018 von Afronaut
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Aktuell könnt ihr euch bei Gamiss das 3.5m Mini Android Endoscope Kamera für 3,23 Euro inkl. Versand statt 7,44 Euro mit dem Gutschein-Code DSGMHNY25 bestellen.

Facts laut Anbieterseite:
● First make sure your phone supports OTG functionality,Android endoscope is a new type of electronic products. The advantages of this product are small size and light weight. The middle part of the installation of a control box, can adjust the brightness of six LED lights, capture the image photo graphed after the camera directly stored in the Android mobile phone, you can video the whole process of record check, observation and follow – up analysis.
● The photos and video file will directly stored in your Android mobile phone.
● Theres also a turning wheel used for adjust the brightness of six LED lights so that work in some area without enough light.
● Total length: 3.5M
● Waterproof level: IP67
● Resolution: 640 × 480 30 ftps
● Focal distance: 6cm
● Camera head outer diameter is 7mm
● Suitable for Android 4.1 OS or above


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  1. Gast sagt

    funktioniert wieder !!!!

  2. admin sagt


  3. Gast sagt

    Link funktioniert nicht


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